Mache AKA corn salad, lambs lettuce (Valerianella locusta)
Like other foraged greens, corn salad has many nutrients, including three times as much vitamin C as lettuce, beta-carotene, B6, B9, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids.
For a detailed nutrurional analysis click here.
Growing tips
Easy to grow. This variety prefers cooler weather so it should be direct sown as soon as the ground can be worked. Or grow in pots under a grow light all winter long in 6-8" pots. Mache will grow in a wide variety of soil types. For best results, the growing medium should be rich in compost and other organic material. Likes a nitrogen-rich feed like Neptune's Harvest fish and seaweed blend .
Mache should be grown during cooler parts of the growing season, during early spring or fall, and can even be grown over the winter season in many zones. It can withstand temperatures as low as -20 degrees F, although a cold frame or greenhouse should be used if freezing rain, wind, or heavy winds are a concern.
Keep picked so it is bushy not leggy. Do not allow to dry out completely, but don't let it be soggy.
Mache should be grown in a cool site, and will show better germination rates with soil temps between 50-70 degrees F. Warmer temperatures may deter germination. Sow seeds lightly, approximately ¼-1/2" deep. Germination should occur between 7-14 days.
Space seeds 1"apart if direct seeding, and thin to 3-6" between growing plants, with 4" between rows.

This product was added to our catalog on Friday 13 September, 2013.