Growing greens in containers

How to grow greens in containers.

Many variety of seeds can be grown in pots or containers on your deck or patio. My favorites for this type of planting are, mache, turnip greens an Siberian Kale. They produce an abundance of greens for months. They also look nice on the deck.

Mache (corn salad)
Siberian Kale
Siberian Kale in a 5 gallon pot
turnip seeds
Turnip green in a 5 gallon pot
Here is an example of mixing the greens. In the center is 1 turnip plant. Surrounding it is mache and purslane. This will prove a nice variety of nutritious greens



The first step is decide on the pot. For the deck we prefer the plastic decorative pots from home improvement stores. Although you can use smaller pots,
we prefer 5 gallon pots (about 15" in diameter). Clay pots are nice but heavy and prone to cracking in the winter. They now have some really nice resin
and plastic pots that last just about forever. In the garden area we use the inexpensive black nursery pots.
nursery pot

The next step is to get some high quality soil. We prefer organic and Natures Care works well for us.
Natures Care ingredients





Sprinkle some seeds on the dirt and press them into the soil. Gently water and keep moist until the seeds germinate. In a week or two you will have a small tortoise garden!

We have also put a seed package together It contain one packet each of the following: mache, Siberian Kale and turnip greens. Its only $9.95 for 600 seeds with free shipping.
Buy Now




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